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Acts-Online-LogoAct Online
Acts Online is the largest free and open source of legislation currently available online.
CIPC-LogoCompanies and Intellectual Property Commission
The newly formed Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) is a juristic person, and as mandated by the Companies Act, 2008 (Act 71 of 2008), has jurisdiction throughout the Republic, is independent, and subject only to the Constitution and the law and any policy statement, directive or request issued to it by the Minister of Trade and Industry in terms of this Act.
AFSA-LgoArbitration Foundation of South Africa
AFSA resolves disputes. The Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa is the national leader in all types of appropriate dispute resolution. Founded in 1996, AFSA is a joint venture between organised business, the legal and accounting professions.
Dept-Justice-Logo-300x121Department of Justice
A transformed and accessible justice system that promotes and protects social justice and the rule of law.
To provide transparent, responsive and accountable justice services for all.
Dept-of-Land-Affairs-300x148Department of Land Affairs
South Africans have reason to be proud of their achievements over the past 18 years. Dating from the election in April 1994, in which our country chose democracy as its badge and a rainbow as its symbol, our people have set aside their previous divisions and wholeheartedly embraced one another, united in a shared vision for national progress on an increasingly competitive international stage. Remarkably, the country has managed to achieve and sustain impressive economic growth.
SA-Law-ReformSouth African Law Commission
The objects of the South African Law Reform Commission are to do research with reference to all branches of the law in order to make recommendations to Government for the development, improvement, modernisation or reform of the law. The Commission investigates matters appearing on a programme approved by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development.
constitutional-court-logoConstitutional Court Judgments
The Constitutional Court is South Africa’s highest court on constitutional matters. So its jurisdiction – the scope of its authority to hear cases – is restricted to constitutional matters and issues connected with decisions on constitutional matters.
EAAB-LogoEstate Agency Affairs Board
The Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) was established in 1976 in terms of the Estate Agency Affairs Act 112 of 1976 (‘the Act”), with the mandate to regulate and control certain activities of estate agents in the public interest.

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