The costs of winding-up a deceased estate. What is the cost of dying in South Africa?
The costs of winding-up a deceased estate may affect your heirs’ inheritance. It is useful to consider these costs when doing your Estate Planning.
The costs of winding-up a deceased estate may affect your heirs’ inheritance. It is useful to consider these costs when doing your Estate Planning.
Did you know that money can also be attached to satisfy a Court Judgement? Garnishee Orders and Emoluments Attachment Orders are used to attach money.
There is a way to have a judgement removed from your name; it is called a “Rescission of Judgement”. We discuss the strict rules for a Rescission here.
You have heard of a “Proof of Residence”, but exactly what can you use as a Proof of Residence? There might be more options than you think.
“Does a Witness need to sign this document?”, is a common question. GCM Legal discusses when witnesses are necessary and when they are not.
Powers of the Sheriff are discussed here. They do not wear star badges but they do act for the Courts including executing Court Orders.
Does your business have a Letterhead? Did you know that Letterheads are required to have certain information in terms of South African Law?
Property transfer costs are often overlooked by property buyers. Here we discuss the costs you will be charged when buying a new house.
A winning party can get some legal costs back from the other party. The costs are calculated on a tariff basis.
The goal of litigation is usually to get paid. A warrant of execution helps you collect your money after you get your judgement.