Legal News
Articles about common legal questions and problems.
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What is a Warrant of Execution? How to collect on a Court Judgment?
The goal of litigation is usually to get paid. A warrant of execution helps you collect your money after you get your judgement.
What is an “Act of Insolvency” and how common are they?
How a person “acts” when they owe someone money is important. What an act of insolvency is exactly will be helpful to Debtors and Creditors.
Glossary of Legal Terms
This article will provide explanations for many of the legal terms and words you will find on this website.
Behind on your bond or car payments? What is a Section 129 Notice?
If you have finance from a credit provider and you fall behind on your payments, the credit provider must send you a Section 129 Notice.
How to remove a director of a company in South Africa?
There are strict rules to follow when removing a director without consent, this article will help you understand to process involved.